Sunshine Miracles
February 28, 2023, A car ran into the back of my sister's tractor. It's a miracle she survived the impact!

My niece, Jennifer's, nickname for Jill is SUNSHINE!
We walked into Jill's room & saw this blanket. Another Miracle! Sister's super kind Nurse Makala picked it out for her. She overheard Jennifer praying with Sunshine!
I usually give people nicknames. Jill and I have called each other 'Sister' forever.
I am Sister Jana
I don't consider myself a Jesus Freak but he knows who I am. There were (still are) too many miracles involving my sister's tractor accident to ignore.
This is my story told from my perspective. I'm not intentionally leaving anyone out. My goal is to focus on incredible positive life changing MIRACLES! If one person reads this and realizes there is ALWAYS HOPE, we all win!