Day 34 - Finally Out Of Hospital Room

Jill's preaching Jesus

Sticks for Crosses

Jennifer brought Jill sticks from their church. Jill is making crosses to give to nurses.

You will hear more about crosses at Jill's testimonials!

Jana & Jill 6th Floor Penthouse

I can usually get Sister to smile for our selfies.

Jana & Jill 6th Floor Penthouse

I'm limiting Sister's 'brain not working' images. She would smile one minute and then space out. I'd say, "Sister - where'd you go?"

Jana's Bed

Queen Sister's Bed

Penthouse View

Jana On standby

1st Time Out of Room

Sister has only seen inside of hospital rooms for 34 days.

  • She sees bugs
  • Diabetes is CRAZY

Queen Sister's Throne

There is A LOT involved with getting Jill able to go out of her room. WMed staff are phenomenal!

  • Left Leg Wound
  • Wound Vac