WM 2nd Floor Inpatient Rehab - Day 49

Rehab Training
We have sessions to educate us on Sister's current condition.
You can tell she is NOT HAPPY with me 'making' her come to rehab! She's still the Queen with her pink painted finger nails though! HA!
EIGHT WEEKS - That's how long I've been negotiating with her about shampooing her hair! Maybe the OT can help?

Cheerleader Jenn is here!
Sister is always excited to see Jennifer!
There is still a long list of Jill's current medical conditions.
- Diabetes off charts
- Right arm is having more issues
- Left leg wound still a concern
- She can NOT see (blurry)
- Her brain is still fuzzy
- Learning to walk
- Toilet Training
We had hurdles after hurdles to jump to get to Inpatient Rehab. I begged them to PLEASE just get Sister where she can poop & pee on her own!

Sister is Walking
These people are FOR REAL!! They take the time to explain everything to you. Then it is GO TIME!

1st Toilet in 8 Weeks
WHEW...can you imagine? What a great feeling! I know I'm EXCITED! We won't talk about the wiping part...

Look At That Face
Sister was nervous about falling. She's GOT THIS!
You Did It Sister!
I think Sister is proud of herself as well!

Well Deserved Rest
These days are long and grueling.
Looks like a spaceship at night, huh?